Elk Springs Outfitters mule deer hunts are from a tent camp located at about 8000ft located within the River of No return wilderness of Idaho. This is a high country hunt in rugged, physically demanding mountains and river breaks. Due to its remoteness, this area receives very little deer hunting pressure and holds some very large trophy bucks. Elk Springs Outfitters have harvested bucks over 200” and taken both typical and non typical deer. Although our MULE DEER SPECIFIC hunts are free range, fair chase and we cannot ever guarantee anything. Elk Springs Outfitters run nearly 100% success with an average mule deer buck of around 150”. We only take a maximum of two deer hunters at a time. If you book a 1x1 you would be the only hunter in camp. This area isn't the type of area where you will see tons and tons of mule deer, however. We spend many hours glassing, intermittently changing vantage points.
Elk Springs Outfitters will be hunting a huge area searching out pockets of mule deer. When we find that big trophy buck you may only have one chance to harvest him. That being said we do sometimes have multiple opportunities on large and different mule deer bucks. This is the type of mule deer hunt that you will have to work at and would give you an adventure story to go along with your deer. This is also a great mule deer hunt whether you are a trophy mule deer hunter or are not real picky and just looking for an expedition type experience to share with a buddy.
We will be packing in about 3 hrs to reach base camp. Each day we will most likely be riding out in the dark and returning in the dark. Some spiking out may be done depending upon what we are seeing. Good optics are a must if you would like to up your odds of returning home with that big buck. Another advantage you can give yourself is being proficient at longer range shots. These hunts are done from mid October through mid November so be prepare for adverse weather. We start out hunting bucks during the pre rut with some of the bucks still in bachelor groups and end the season hunting during some hard rutting action. We don’t run any better success from beginning to end. We just are looking in different areas.
Come make your reservation for an adventure in the Frank Church Wilderness area, Idaho.
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